About Rabbits

Rabbits are amazing creatures.  They are furry, soft, cuddly,  and they each have their own personality.  Posts in this category are general discussion topics about rabbits.

Lionhead Rabbit, one breed of fabulous bunnies

Are Rabbits Cannibals

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Cannibalism in rabbits is not an everyday occurrence, and it usually stems from specific conditions such as stress, lack of nutrition, or the presence of predators. Such circumstances might trigger a survival mechanism within the doe, inducing her to eat her babies to conserve resources or protect them from being consumed by predators.

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Snowshoe Hare

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Moreover, Snowshoe Hares have a unique talent for freezing in place when they sense danger. This behavior, combined with their camouflage, makes them difficult for predators to spot (Are Rabbits Smart?). Additionally, their namesake “snowshoes” are another important adaptation. Snowshoe Hares have large, fur-covered feet that allow them to travel quickly and efficiently across the snow, escaping predators while minimizing the risk of sinking.

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Do Snowshoe Hares Change Color

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Snowshoe hares, scientifically known as Lepus americanus, are remarkable creatures that possess the ability to change their fur color according to the seasons. In the winter months, their dense fur turns white, allowing them to blend effortlessly with the snowy landscapes and avoid predators. This adaptive trait is crucial to their survival in a wide range of environments and habitats where they reside.

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Rabbit Marsupial

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Marsupial rabbits, although not a scientifically accurate term, are generally referencing the bilby, a small, burrowing, nocturnal, long-eared marsupial native to Australia. The bilby’s habitat extends across more than 70 percent of Australia, primarily in areas that are arid or semi-arid. Key features of their preferred habitats include diverse vegetation and soft soils, which allow them to create complex burrow systems for shelter and protection.

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Hares vs Rabbits

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Physically, hares tend to be larger than rabbits, with longer ears and hind legs. These physical differences allow hares to be faster and better adapted to their above-ground habitats, where they build nests called forms. Rabbits, on the other hand, are smaller and prefer living in burrows called warrens, often forming groups of up to 20 individuals. Beyond physical features and habitats, hares and rabbits also differ in their social behaviors, dietary habits, and reproductive cycles.

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Do Rabbits Dream

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During REM sleep, the brain activity in rabbits becomes similar to their waking state. Research has shown that, like humans, rabbits are likely to dream about events from their previous day or even as far back as six months ago. These dreams are usually connected to strong emotions such as fear or happiness, which have made a significant impact on the individual rabbit.

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Albino Rabbit

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Albinism in rabbits can be found in various breeds, making albino rabbits fairly common pets in many households. While these rabbits may look different from their non-albino counterparts, they have a similar temperament and behavior and can make great companions. However, there are some health considerations and specific care requirements to keep in mind when adopting an albino rabbit.

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Rabbit Heart Rate

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Several factors can influence a rabbit’s heart rate, such as their size, stress levels, temperature, obesity, and pain. It is crucial to be aware of these factors and their potential impact on a rabbit’s heart health. Monitoring your rabbit’s heart rate ensures early detection of any irregularities or abnormalities, which can be indicative of heart disease or other health complications.

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