Can rabbits eat Kohlrabi

Can Rabbits Eat Kohlrabi?

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Just like humans, rabbits like eating fresh food. They like fruits and vegetables, pellets, and a mix of hay. It is important to understand that rabbits have a complex digestive system, so you need to be very careful with their diet. If you give them inappropriate food, it can cause serious digestive issues. Their digestive flora can be disturbed, toxin–producing harmful bacteria can overgrow, and a rabbit can get sick and even die.

The typical rabbit’s diet usually consists of hay, some fresh vegetables like green beans, fruits, and some amount of pellets. Grass hay is the healthiest option for a rabbit because it helps the animal to maintain a healthy digestive tract. You should also make sure that the diet of your rabbit is supplemented with the proper amount of green vegetables on the daily basis. Rabbits can eat any amount of vegetables unless they have diarrhea, or unless the vegetables you provide are high in carbohydrates. For this reason, two vegetables that you should avoid overfeeding are potatoes (see also ‘Can Rabbits Eat Potatoes?‘) and carrots.

Vegetables that are good for the rabbit’s diet include mustard greens, beet greens, broccoli, cilantro, romaine lettuce, broccoli greens, and carrot tops.

Can Rabbits Eat Kohlrabi?

Can Rabbits Eat Kohlrabi?

Kohlrabi is a German turnip or turnip cabbage. It is very similar to regular cabbage, with a slightly sweeter flavor. It is an annual vegetable that can be eaten either cooked or raw.

Many people wonder whether rabbits can eat kohlrabi. Before we answer this question, it is important to look at the nutritional value of this vegetable. When we talk about the diet of rabbits, we need to look at the acidic content, phosphorus content, sugar, fat, fiber, and sodium. Kohlrabi has a high amount of phosphorus content, meaning that rabbits can only eat a little kohlrabi. Regular consumption of this type of cabbage can cause soft and smelly poops and gas, as well as other digestive issues.

What Are The Benefits Of Kohlrabi For Rabbits?

The advantages that your rabbit can get from eating kohlrabi include the following:

  • Sweet taste. This vegetable is sweeter than other similar vegetables, such as regular cabbage or broccoli stems. That is why most rabbits love this veggie.
  • Kohlrabi contains antioxidants. Antioxidants are important because they protect rabbits from various harmful particles and play an essential role in healing wounds. Moreover, it has been proven that kohlrabi has a positive impact on the immune system, contributes to collagen synthesis, and improves iron absorption. Therefore, by giving your rabbit kohlrabi, you can be ensured that your pet received the necessary amount of healthy nutrients.
  • Dietary fiber. As a responsible pet owner, you should make sure that your bun receives enough fiber that helps its digestive system function well. Kohlrabi contains enough fiber needed for gut health and a healthy blood sugar level.

What Fruits And Vegetables Are Should be Fed to Rabbits in Small Quantities?

Can rabbits eat kohlrabi?
Rabbits eating carrot bunch

There are certain fruits and vegetables that you should give sparingly to your rabbit, if at all. These include kidney beans, mushrooms, potatoes, carrots, iceberg lettuce, rhubarb, cauliflower (see also ‘Can Rabbits Eat Cauliflower?‘), and chard.

Some fruits and vegetables, like avocado, for example, contain a fungicidal toxin called persin. It is not dangerous for humans but is very toxic to animals, including rabbits. It can be deadly if ingested by a rabbit. Bunnies react to persin in different ways, but in most cases, it can lead to a severe illness or even death.

Related: Can Rabbits Eat Raisins?

What Other Foods Are Rabbits Not Allowed To Eat?

Some other foods can cause serious health issues for rabbits.

Rabbit eating
What can rabbits eat?
  • Apple seeds. In general, fruit seeds are ok for rabbits. However, you should avoid giving your pet apple seeds because of their toxic compound. It is fine to feed rabbits with apples, but you need to make sure that their seeds are removed.
  • Chocolate. You should never give your rabbit chocolate because it contains two types of harmful methylxanthines – caffeine and theobromine. The darker chocolate, the higher the concentration of methylxanthines in it. For example, if your rabbit ate a few pieces of dark chocolate, it may be a medical emergency, and you should bring your pet to the vet immediately. The symptoms of chocolate poisoning include: trembling and panting, diarrhea, high temperature, restlessness, squirming when you touch its stomach, and some others.
  • Allium vegetables. Allium-type vegetables that should be in the diet of your bunny are garlic, onions, chives, and shallots. These veggies cause loss of red blood cells known as hemolytic anemia. The common symptoms of this disorder include weakness and dizziness. It can lead to death if not treated. Also, these vegetables can cause anaphylactic shock in some bunnies.
  • Sugary processed foods. You probably like eating cookies or cakes, but it is not good food for your pet rabbit. Numerous researched have shown that sugary processed foods can cause Exterotoxemia in rabbits. It is a severe type of diarrhea that can cause death. Processed food is especially dangerous for young and weak bunnies.

What Should You Do If Your Rabbit Ate Something Dangerous Or Toxic?

If you bunny one of the forbidden foods from the list or too much kohlrabi, the first thing you should do is talk to your vet. Many toxic foods can cause death within a few hours. Your vet will be able to tell you whether any treatment is needed.

You may not even notice that the rabbit ate something toxic. However, there are certain concerning symptoms you should pay attention to:

  • Diarrhea
  • Restlessness
  • Glazed over eyes
  • Drinking more water than usual
  • Weakness

Top Tips For Feeding Your Rabbit The Right Way

If you want your bunny to live a long and healthy life, here is a list of some useful feeding tips to follow:

  • Change their diet carefully and introduce new food slowly. Since rabbits have very sensitive stomachs, you should always add new products to their diets slowly. Sudden changes can upset their stomachs and cause different digestive issues.
  • Always watch your bunny eating. When you are giving food to your rabbit, do not walk away. It is important to see what and how your rabbit is eating in order to be able to notice any changes in its eating behavior.
  • Provide your bunny with fresh water every day. Just like other animals, rabbits need fresh water every day for a healthy life and proper digestion. Therefore, make sure that there is always fresh water in your bunny’s bowl.
  • Do not give your rabbit too many vegetables. The rule is that vegetables should make up no more than 10% of the rabbit’s diet. If you feed them with too many vegetables, it can upset their stomachs and cause different health issues.
  • Pay attention to the rabbit’s droppings. Droppings can tell you a lot about your rabbit’s diet and the health of your pet. If the droppings of your pet rabbit are dry, then everything is fine, and you have nothing to worry about. However, if they are too small and soft, this may indicate that you need to correct the diet of your pet.
  • Different rabbit breeds may have different nutrition needs. Here, you can read more about Lionhead Rabbit diet and Flemish Giant Rabbit diet.

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