Can Rabbits Eat Kale

Can Rabbits Eat Kale?

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Trying to provide plenty of variety to your rabbit’s diet is an important part of keeping your rabbit happy and healthy, and one of the best ways to do this is to provide them with lots of green leafy vegetables!

These vegetables make up a large portion of a rabbit’s diet, and therefore make an excellent inclusion in their day-to-day feeding.

However, it is important to note that not all leafy green vegetables are suitable for rabbits and that you shouldn’t be feeding them these vegetables constantly.

So, if you want to know whether it’s safe for your rabbit to eat kale, then read on further as we explore what is best for your rabbit! 

So, Can Rabbits Eat Kale?

The answer is, yes rabbits can eat kale! This deep dark leafy green that comes from the brassica family is a treat for your rabbit, and it’s not at all uncommon to see them eating it in the wild either!

However, kale is not something that a rabbit can eat a lot of, or on a regular basis, and so you should research how much kale your rabbit should be eating based on their weight and size.

Too much kale for a rabbit can cause them to suffer stomach issues. 

The main stomach issue that your rabbit would suffer from is actually flatulence, which surprisingly can be very harmful to your rabbit, even deadly!

This is because rabbits don’t actually have any way for them to pass gas, so an extreme buildup as a result of eating the wrong thing can ultimately prevent their stomachs from functioning as they should. 

What is Kale?

Kale is a leafy green vegetable that belongs to the cabbage family, sharing its family tree with other veggies like broccoli and Brussels sprouts. This green powerhouse is known for its curly leaves and a taste that’s a bit peppery and bitter, but very delightful! You can easily spot it in gardens and markets with its vibrant green or sometimes purple leaves that are either curly or smooth.

Kale is a superfood, which means it is packed with lots of nutrients and vitamins that are great for our health. It’s particularly rich in vitamins like A, C, and K, making it a great choice to include in a healthy diet – not just for humans but for our bunny friends too!

People enjoy kale in salads, smoothies, and even as crispy chips. It’s not just tasty but also very versatile. When it comes to feeding our rabbits, adding some kale to their diet can provide them with many beneficial nutrients that help them stay strong and healthy. However, like with all foods, it’s essential to give it to them in the right amount to ensure they enjoy all the benefits without any downsides.

Remember, when introducing kale or any new food to your rabbit’s diet, do it gradually to give them time to adjust, and always keep an eye out to ensure they are enjoying it happily and healthily!

Benefits Of Kale For Rabbits

Just like other members of the brassica genus (Which include things like broccoli, cabbage, and cauliflower) kale is really rich in nutrients, whilst also containing a lot of sulphurous compounds, which is what causes them to smell particularly pungent when cooking them! 

Kale is especially packed with a load of vitamins and minerals, although the high amounts of calcium found in kale is another reason as to why too much kale is bad for rabbits.

So as long as you moderate the amount of kale your rabbit eats, then your bunny will be able to reap the reward of this delicious leafy veg, including better protection of its organ health and its immune system! 

Feeding Kale To Your Rabbit

Can Rabbits Eat Kale?
Rabbits love Kale!

Not much preparation is needed for you to be able to feed kale to your rabbit!

All you need to do is simply wash the kale to ensure that you remove any dirt or sediment that may have built up on the leaves, and then you’re done!

You shouldn’t try to cook the kale before you give it to your rabbit, as not only will your rabbit likely not eat it, but it will also reduce the number of vitamins and minerals found inside.

You also try to buy organic kale, as it will ensure that there are no harmful pesticides or waxes present on the kale that will possibly upset your rabbit’s stomach. 

How Much Kale Should I Feed My Rabbit?

As a bunny owner or enthusiast, ensuring that your fluffy friend receives the proper amount of nutrition is of utmost importance. When it comes to introducing kale, a nutrient-rich leafy green, into your rabbit’s diet, moderation is key.

Despite its nutritional benefits, including a high content of vitamins A and K, kale should not make up the majority of your rabbit’s diet. It is advised to limit the amount of kale to a small portion of the fresh foods component of their diet, which ideally should constitute about 75% of their daily food intake. A good rule of thumb is to offer a handful of mixed leafy greens per 2 pounds of body weight per day, wherein kale can be a part.

Before introducing kale, or any new food, to your rabbit’s diet, it is prudent to start slowly to allow your bunny’s gastrointestinal tract to adapt to the new addition. This cautious approach helps to prevent any potential digestive issues including flatulence, which can be a common occurrence when new foods are introduced too quickly or in large quantities. It is suggested to introduce one new food at a time, every three days, while keeping a close eye on your rabbit’s stools to ensure no softening occurs.

Furthermore, it’s important to note that while humans may experience flatulence from consuming cruciferous vegetables like kale, rabbits have a different gastrointestinal system. Foods that might cause gas in humans do not necessarily have the same effect in rabbits. However, overfeeding kale can potentially cause changes in the pH of your bunny’s gut, leading to gastrointestinal disturbances.

To diversify the nutrients your rabbit receives, and to prevent the monotony of a single-food diet, it’s recommended to rotate kale with other safe leafy greens. This not only provides a variety of tastes and textures but also ensures a rounded nutrient profile for your bunny.

Remember, your rabbit’s primary food source should always be a high-quality grass hay, supplemented with a mix of fresh foods, including kale, to offer a balanced and nutritious diet. As always, when in doubt, consult with your veterinarian for personalized advice on feeding your rabbit.

What Kale Is Best For My Rabbit?

It can also be rather confusing what type of kale is best for your rabbit, especially because sometimes the range of kale in your local grocery store can be incredibly vast!

Types of Kale

Kale comes in various types, each with its own unique flavor and texture. Here are some popular kinds of kale that you might encounter:

  1. Curly Kale: This is the most common type of kale that you’ll find in grocery stores. It has green, curly leaves that are quite tough and a bit peppery in flavor.
  2. Lacinato Kale: Also known as Dinosaur kale (Dino Kale), it has long, dark green leaves with a slightly wrinkled texture. It’s a bit sweeter and more delicate compared to curly kale.
  3. Red Russian Kale: This variety has flat, fringed leaves which are more tender and have a reddish-purple stem. It has a sweet and slightly nutty flavor.
  4. Siberian Kale: It has flat and broad leaves with a mild and sweet flavor, making it a great addition to salads and smoothies.
  5. Chinese Kale (or Kai-lan): This is a type of kale often used in Chinese cuisine. It has thick stems and glossy green leaves, with a flavor more akin to broccoli than to other kales.
  6. Baby Kale: These are just young leaves of other kale varieties. They are tender and less bitter, making them a great choice for salads.
  7. Ornamental Kale: While primarily used for decorative purposes because of its beautiful colors (ranging from white to pink, purple, and lavender), this kale is also edible but might be a bit tougher in texture compared to other types.
Video – Flemish Giant Rabbit eating Lacinato Kale

All Varieties lf Kale are Suitable for Rabbits

But whether you’re choosing Curly kale, Siberian kale, or even Dino kale, all of these varieties have incredibly similar amounts of nutrients, so ultimately it all comes down to what your rabbit prefers to eat most!

When choosing kale for your bunny, opting for organic varieties can be a safer choice, as they are free of pesticides and other chemicals. Remember to wash any type of kale thoroughly before offering it to your rabbit to ensure it’s clean and safe for them to enjoy.

So long as you introduce this kale incredibly slowly to your rabbit, and keep an eye on their digestive habits, then you should have a very little issue getting your rabbit to eat kale! 

What Should Else Should I Feed My Rabbit?

Alongside an arrangement of leafy green vegetables, rabbits should have an unlimited amount of fresh hay on a daily basis, as they’re grazing animals.

Furthermore, they should also be eating a small number of pellets too.

These three combined will ensure that your rabbit is getting all the nutrients they need in order to be healthy, and will help prolong their life!

If you ever have any doubts or concerns about your rabbit’s diet then you should get in touch with your local vet, you will be able to inform you of what your rabbit needs or help pass you on to a specialized nutritionist.

Oxalic Acid in Kale: What Rabbit Owners Need to Know

Oxalic acid is a naturally occurring compound found in several types of vegetables and greens. It serves as a protective mechanism for plants in the wild, deterring herbivores from consuming large quantities. However, when it comes to your bunny’s diet, it’s essential to have an understanding of the role of oxalic acid to ensure their well-being and health.

Ingesting foods high in oxalic acid in large quantities can pose a risk to your rabbit. A significant intake can lead to health complications including tingling in the skin and mouth, and with continuous consumption, potential damage to the kidneys. Therefore, it becomes crucial to monitor and manage the intake of foods high in oxalic acid in your rabbit’s diet.

Indeed, kale is one of the vegetables that contains oxalic acid, although its levels are relatively low compared to other vegetables like spinach and mustard greens. This makes kale a safer option to be included in your rabbit’s diet compared to other high oxalic acid-containing foods, but still necessitates moderation in its offering.

Given its low oxalic acid content, kale can be a part of your rabbit’s regular diet rotation. It is advisable to feed kale, along with other leafy greens, in a way that they make up about 75% of the fresh portion of the diet, which equates to roughly a packed cup per 2 pounds of body weight per day. However, to prevent any potential adverse effects from oxalic acid, it’s recommended to rotate kale with other leafy greens that have low or negligible oxalic acid content, offering a varied and balanced nutritional profile over the week.

While the moderation and rotation strategy helps in minimizing the risks associated with oxalic acid, it is also crucial to gradually introduce kale into your bunny’s diet, observing any changes or reactions closely.

Remember, maintaining a diverse diet not only helps in mitigating the risks associated with oxalic acid but also enriches your bunny’s diet with varied tastes, textures, and nutrients, contributing to a happy and healthy life for your furry friend.

The Verdict: Kale And Rabbits

So, to summarize, kale is a great addition to your rabbit’s diet in moderation and will help to make up one part of their diet.

This leafy vegetable is great for helping your rabbit’s overall health and their immune system as a result of the high amounts of Vitamin A that it contains.

Just remember to introduce it to your rabbit slowly, and to stop if it is upsetting your rabbit’s stomach or affecting their digestion!

Video – Bunny Rabbit Eating Kale

Watch the rabbit named Snowflake as she encounters kale for the very first time. Yum!


What is Kale?

Kale is a leafy green vegetable that belongs to the Brassica family, which also includes vegetables like cabbage and Brussels sprouts. It’s known for its high nutritional content, including vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.

Is Kale Safe for Rabbits?

Yes, kale is safe for rabbits to eat. It is a nutritious food that can be a part of your rabbit’s diet. However, it contains oxalic acid, which in high amounts can be harmful, so it should be fed in moderation.

How Much Kale Can I Feed My Rabbit?

While there’s no strict rule, it’s generally suggested to give a small amount, mixed with other leafy greens, making up about 75% of the fresh portion of their diet. A few leaves of kale a few times a week should be safe.

Does Kale Cause Flatulence in Rabbits?

Despite common misconceptions, kale does not cause flatulence in rabbits. It is, however, always recommended to introduce any new food, including kale, gradually into your rabbit’s diet. This way, you can monitor your pet and ensure that they do not have any adverse reactions. It’s a sensible practice to keep a close eye on how your rabbit responds to a new dietary item, noting any changes in their digestion or general behavior.

How Should I Introduce Kale to My Rabbit’s Diet?

When introducing kale, do it gradually over a period of time, adding it to the mix of other greens in their diet. This way, you can observe how your rabbit reacts to kale, and if they experience any adverse effects, it can be removed from their diet.

Can Kale Replace Other Greens in My Rabbit’s Diet?

Kale should not replace other greens entirely. It should be part of a varied diet that includes a range of different leafy greens, which provides a balance of nutrients necessary for your rabbit’s health.

Do I Need to Wash Kale Before Feeding it to My Rabbit?

Yes, it is advisable to wash kale thoroughly before feeding it to your rabbit to remove any pesticides or chemicals that might be present on the leaves.

Can I Feed My Rabbit Kale Stems?

Yes, you can feed your rabbit kale stems, but it is advisable to do it in moderation. The stems are fibrous and might be a bit tough for some rabbits to chew and digest. Always monitor your rabbit’s eating habits and health closely when introducing new elements to their diet, and consult with your veterinarian if in doubt.

Is Organic Kale Better for My Rabbit?

Opting for organic kale can be a safer option as it would be free from pesticides and chemicals. However, it is essential to wash it thoroughly before feeding it to your rabbit.

What are the Different Types of Kale, and Can I Feed Them All to My Rabbit?

There are several types of kale including curly kale, Lacinato or Dino kale, Red Russian kale, Chinese kale, among others. You can feed any of these varieties to your rabbit, but always in moderation to ensure a balanced diet.

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