Can Rabbits Eat Cilantro

Can Rabbits Eat Cilantro? 

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There are a vast variety of leafy greens that are safe for rabbits to consume, and cilantro (coriander) is one of them. In fact, cilantro is one of the most recommended herbs to include in a rabbit’s diet.

Although safe to eat, cilantro should not be introduced to a rabbit’s diet until they are at least 12 weeks old. Bunnies have sensitive digestive systems, so if they eat too much of the wrong thing, they could suffer from various problems, such as diarrhea. 

Cilantro is a wonderfully healthy herb, for both humans and rabbits. However, you should limit the amount you feed to your pet bunny, as too much can be detrimental to their health. 

Always remember to feed a rabbit lots of hay, too. Hay is packed full of fiber, which helps rabbits stay healthy. All in all, a rabbit’s diet should be 80% hay, with leafy greens, veggies, and plants making up the rest of their herbivorous diet.

So, when including leafy greens in a rabbit’s diet, simply supplement their hay-based meals with them, rather than use the herb as a substitute. 

Cilantro is rich in vitamins, meaning it is beneficial to a bunny’s health. Thankfully, rabbits love to munch away on different vegetables and herbs, with cilantro being no exception. Nevertheless, always offer them cilantro in moderation.

Even though it is non-toxic, the cilantro plant does contain some harmful substances towards rabbits.

Today, we are going to discuss cilantro and whether it is a good idea to add the herb to a rabbit’s diet. With its strong, spicy flavor, it is similar to other safe herbs, such as mint, oregano, basil, rosemary, and thyme.

Today, though, we will find out how safe cilantro is and how much you should feed to a rabbit.

Can bunnies eat cilantro

Cilantro – Is It Safe To Give To Rabbits?

Cilantro is totally safe for rabbits to consume, as long as you provide them with the appropriate amount. You should also wait at least 12 weeks before offering your rabbit any of this herb.

This is because a young bunnies’ gut flora is delicate, and vulnerable to digestive issues. Therefore, they require a lot of fiber to avoid such digestive problems.

Even if your rabbit is over 12 weeks old, and therefore old enough to consume cilantro, you should keep the amount to a minimum. Too much cilantro, as with most foods, can cause gastrointestinal trouble and, in some cases, can be fatal.

What Parts Of Cilantro Can Rabbits Eat?

In general, the entirety of a cilantro can be eaten by rabbits, as there are no toxins present in the herb that could harm them.

Just like humans, one rabbit will have different preferences when it comes to taste compared to the next. Some rabbits enjoy the flavor of cilantro, whereas others do not. 

When feeding this herb to your either domesticated or wild rabbits, you should scatter a small amount of freshly chopped cilantro leaves or onto their food. You can also use the stalks if you wanted to. 

Dried cilantro leaves are typically safe for rabbits to consume, as well. However, many rabbits ignore them if they are in their diet, as their taste is not to their liking.

Coriander roots, in addition to the stems and leaves (cilantro and coriander are both used to describe the stems leaves of the plant), are also rabbit-safe. However, their flavor is substantially stronger, and the majority of rabbits will not be fans of the taste, thus they should not be included in a rabbit’s diet.

Can Rabbits Eat Cilantro
Rabbits enjoy cilantro as an occasional treat

Feeding cilantro leaves, as well as its stalks, to rabbits as treats is healthy and normal, but only in moderation. Aside from being non-toxic and free of harmful substances, they also have a low oxalic acid content.

They do, however, have a strong and spicy flavor, comparable to other rabbit-safe herbs like mint, oregano, basil, and lemon balm. For small, occasional treats, these greens can be implemented in a rabbit’s diet as special bunny snacks.

How Much Cilantro Can You Feed A Rabbit?

All in all, cilantro is healthy for rabbits to consume. It contains good levels of various vitamins, such as A, C, and K. Additionally, the herb also contains pantothenic acid, folate, vitamin E, riboflavin, vitamin B6, and a range of minerals, such as potassium, manganese, and iron.

Together, these are all essential in keeping your pet bunny healthy and thriving.

More good news! Cilantro does not contain any chemicals or elements that should harm your rabbit. 

The bad news – giving too much of the recommended amount can result in digestive problems. And, such issues are common in rabbits when they eat excessive amounts of vegetables

You should only feed a rabbit the amount of cilantro they need. Doing so will avoid gastrointestinal problems and potential infections. 

Rabbits can have different reactions to different foods, just like humans can. If you try to give cilantro to your rabbit and they don’t seem to like it, it’s highly unlikely it’s because the food is dangerous. It’s more simply a case that they do not like its taste. 

Just, make sure the cilantro you feed your bunny is high-quality, fresh, and free of pesticides. Poor quality cilantro can make rabbits sick. Ask your veterinarian for advice on what brands are best. But, you can do some research too.

Inspect the herb’s freshness. If the herb is somewhat old and wilted, it may cause stomach distress in your rabbit. If it has become spoiled, microorganisms may harm the rabbit’s digestive tract.

Just take a little time to inspect the food you give to your rabbit, and you should keep them completely safe and healthy. 

If you notice any adverse reactions, contact your veterinarian immediately.

Drawbacks to Feeding Rabbits Cilantro

Feeding cilantro to rabbits generally doesn’t pose significant drawbacks, as it is a safe and healthy herb to include in their diet. In fact, fresh herbs like cilantro can be a great source of vitamins and minerals for rabbits.

However, it’s essential to introduce any new food, including cilantro, gradually and in moderation to monitor for any adverse reactions. Too much of any vegetable or herb can potentially cause digestive upset, especially if the rabbit is not used to it.

It is also critical to ensure that the cilantro is fresh and free from pesticides or other chemicals, which could be harmful to your rabbit. As always, the primary component of a rabbit’s diet should be high-quality hay, supplemented with a variety of fresh vegetables and a limited number of pellets to ensure a balanced diet and prevent obesity and other health issues. Consult with a veterinarian for personalized guidance on feeding your rabbit

Why Shouldn’t You Give Cilantro to Rabbit Kittens?

Introducing greens such as cilantro to very young rabbits, typically under the age of 12 weeks, should be approached with caution as their gastrointestinal tracts are still developing and are particularly sensitive.

Baby rabbits primarily thrive on their mother’s milk, which provides all the necessary nutrients for their growth and development during the initial weeks of their life. As they transition to solid foods, the primary introduction should be high-quality hay to establish a proper gut flora balance and support their digestive system’s gradual adaptation to fibrous food.

Introducing greens like cilantro too early can potentially lead to digestive upset, including diarrhea, which can be particularly dangerous in young rabbits as it can quickly lead to dehydration and other serious health complications. Therefore, when you decide to introduce fresh vegetables and herbs into a baby rabbit’s diet, it should be done slowly and cautiously, ideally under the guidance of a veterinarian to ensure their well-being and healthy growth.


As long as a rabbit is at least 12 weeks old, it can safely eat cilantro. You just have to introduce it to their diets slowly and gradually over the first few weeks.

If they seem to tolerate it, you can gradually increase their amounts. If they do not like it, simply remove it from their diet and include something they prefer the taste of. 


Is cilantro safe for rabbits to eat?

Yes, cilantro is safe for rabbits to consume. It can be a healthy addition to their diet, providing essential vitamins and minerals. However, like with any new food, it should be introduced gradually to monitor for any adverse reactions.

How should I introduce cilantro into my rabbit’s diet?

To introduce cilantro into your rabbit’s diet, start by offering a small amount mixed with other leafy greens they are accustomed to. Gradually increase the quantity over a week or so, allowing their digestive system to adapt to the new food and prevent any potential gastrointestinal upset.

Can baby rabbits eat cilantro?

Baby rabbits, particularly those under 12 weeks of age, have very sensitive digestive systems that are still developing. It is generally recommended to withhold greens, including cilantro, until they are older to prevent digestive issues. Initially, their diet should primarily consist of mother’s milk, supplemented with hay as they begin transitioning to solid foods.

What quantity of cilantro is appropriate for adult rabbits?

For adult rabbits, cilantro should be a part of a varied diet of leafy greens, not the sole component. A small handful of mixed greens, including cilantro, per 2 lbs of body weight daily is a general guideline. However, the primary portion of a rabbit’s diet should be high-quality hay, which provides necessary fiber for digestive health.

How do I ensure the cilantro I’m giving to my rabbit is safe?

To ensure the safety of the cilantro you are giving to your rabbit, always purchase fresh, organic cilantro to avoid pesticides and chemicals that can be harmful. Additionally, wash the cilantro thoroughly under running water to remove any potential residues before offering it to your rabbit.

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